Dynamic Environment & Ecosystem Health Research

Sampling feathers from a common tern


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Historical gold mine tailings
  - Ecology & biomonitoring
  - Remediation

Invasive species
- Chinese mystery snails
   - Chain pickerel


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Linda At Work
Dr. Linda Campbell
Full Professor & Senior Research Fellow in Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Multi-disciplinary approaches to improve our understanding of anthropogenic and natural impacts in the environment, with focus on aquatic ecosystems.
(Past position: Canada Research Chair in Aquatic Ecosystem Health at Queen's University)

Staff & Researchers

Emily wearing a lab coat and gloves, holding up some glass vials for closer look.
Dr. Emily Chapman (Senior Project Research Manager)
Saint Mary's University
Research: Developing reactive admendment - protective capping (RAPC) systems for remediation of legacy gold-mine tailing-contaminated wetlands Nova Scotia
Program manager for interdisciplinary project: "Developing an in-situ risk management strategy for enhancing natural recovery of highly contaminated gold-mine-tailing impacted wetlands."
Heidi at Work in front of biosafety cabinet in white lab coat, with bright red background
Heidi Gavel
Saint Mary's University
Research Technician and Project Coordinator
Investigations into remediation technologies for gold-mine-tailing-impacted wetlands in Nova Scotia.
Aquatic Invertebrate culturing and maintenance expertise.

Research Team Members
A man sitting on a edge of a small boat wearing lifejacket and ball cap, sunset on a lake behind him
Bradley Knockwood
Saint Mary's University (Geography)
Freshwater Research Technician
Clean Foundation Summer Indigenous Internship (2021, 2022, 2023), Nature Canada Work-to-Grow Intern (2021-22)
Directed Studies Research Project: Mapping the History of Waverley Gold Mine District.
Profile photo for David M. Lewis David Lewis
Saint Mary's University, co-supervised with Dr. Joyce McBeth (U of Regina) & Dr. Emily Chapman (SMU)
PhD App Sci. (Environmental Science)
MITACS Accelerate Fellowship Holder.
Geochemistry of arsenic in wetland sediments and water before and after remediation.
Collaboration with St Barbara Ltd.
A long-haired person in front of a lichen covered tree trunk, wearing safety vest and harness Delbert Swinemar
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
MSc App Sci (2023), co-supervised with Darrin Reid.
Impacts of invasive chain pickerel on food webs in the lakes of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site.
Collaboration with Parks Canada.
Enobong at work with some plants Enobong Charles
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
MSc App Sci candidate
Assessing freshwater pickerelweed and other macrophyes as biomonitors and bioindicators of contaminants and effectiveness of RAPC treatments.
A lady with long brown hair wearing field clothing holding a ziploc bag with water sample
Erin Francheville
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
MSc App Sci (2024) candidate
Impacts of invasive chain pickerel and other fish predators on vulnerable and species-at-risk aquatic biota.
Collaboration with DFO Aquatic Species At Risk.
A woman wearing waders and lab gloves standing in a lake surrounded by water lilies, tending to a black mesocosm. Kaitlyn Kerr
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
Research Assistant (Summer 2024) and MSc App Sci (co-supervised with Dr. Emily Chapman)
Hydrology of Muddy Pond (Waverley NS), a contaminated site, and how well RAPC holds up to erosion.
A young woman wearing raincoat and waders standing in a stream.
Lauren MacDonald
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
Research Assistant (Fall 2023) and MSc App Sci (co-supervised with Dr. Emily Chapman)
Freshwater mussels as bioindicators and biomonitors of contaminants and effectiveness of RAPC treatments.
Light-skinned man with glasses &  baseball cap next to an Scanning Electron Microscope
Logan Philips
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science - Geology)
Research Technician & ENVS Honours Thesis
Geochemistry investigations into wetland sediments impacted by legacy gold mine tailings.
Madison wearing a lifejacket in a canoe, holding up a crayfish
Madison Bond
Saint Mary's University (Environmental Science)
MSc App Sci candidate
Potentially invasive crayfish species in the Maritimes
Collaboration with DFO Aquatic Invasive Species
A young man wearing waders and long yellow gloves holding a sediment core
Samuel Sequeira
Saint Mary's University (Biology)
Research Summer Intern & honours research
The use of caged chironomids and amphipods to assess ecotoxicology and bioaccumulation in contaminated wetlands. (co-supervised with Dr. Emily Chapman)

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Red Chalk Lake at dawn by E Hatton
Icons have attributions to artists in ALT-TEXT. All other images and content copyright (c) Linda Campbell and other members of Dynamic Environment & Ecosystem Health Research Group