Papers published prior to 2013 are listed below (for reprints contact
Carraro, G., Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., and Baume, G. 2012,
The Distance to the Young Open Cluster Westerlund 2, in Advancing the
Physics of Cosmic Distances, ed. R. de Grijs, Proceedings of IAU Symposium,
289, Cambridge University Press, Poster 1, pp. 1-4, arXiv1209.2080, 2012
Turner, D. G. 2012, A Current Application of the Methods of
Secular and Statistical Parallax, Odessa Astronomical Publications,
25, 29-31
Turner, D. G., van den Bergh, S., Younger, P. F., Majaess, D. J.,
Pedreros, M. H., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2012, A Search for OB Associations
Near Long-Period Cepheids. V. AQ Puppis and V620 Puppis, Astronomical Journal,
144, 187, 1-10
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., and Lane, D. J. 2012, Recent
Observations of HDE 344787, the Smallest Amplitude Classical Cepheid,
in Stellar Pulsations: Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights, ed.
ed. J. C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, and J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 31, 291, Poster 8, 1-2
Turner, D. G., Moncrieff, K. E., Short, C. I., and Wing, R. F. 2012,
The Nature of the Variability in the M Supergiants: The Forgotten Type C
Semiregulars, in Stellar Pulsations: Impact of New Instrumentation and New
Insights, ed. J. C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, and J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 31, 115-119
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Gieren, W. 2012, Identifying
Contaminated K-band Globular Cluster RR Lyrae Photometry, Publications of
the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 124, 1035-1041
Turner, D. G. 2012, Classical Cepheids After 228 Years of Study,
Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 40, 502-515
Zagury, F, and Turner, D. G. 2012, The Extinction Curve in
the Visible and the Value of Rv. II. Addendum to AN 333, 160, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 333, 640-643
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Gallo, L., Gieren, W. P., Bonatto, C. J.,
Lane, D. J., Balam, D. D., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2012, Anchoring the
Distance Scale via X-Ray/Infrared Data for Cepheid Clusters: SU Cas,
Astrophysical Journal, 753, 144, 1-4
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Gieren, W., and Lane, D. J. 2012, The
Impact of Contaminated RR Lyrae/Globular Cluster Photometry on the Distance
Scale, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 752, L10, 1-6
Turner, D. G., et al. 2012, Understanding Pulsation in Luminous
M Supergiants with the Aid of Archival Observations, in New Horizons in
Time-Domain Astronomy, ed. R. E. Griffin, R. J. Hanisch and R. L. Seaman,
IAU Symposium No. 285, Cambridge University Press, p. 449 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2012, Why Visual Observations of Mu Cephei are Important,
Proceedings for the 31st Annual Conference of the Society for Astronomical Sciences,
Symposium on Telescope Science, edited by B. D. Warner, R. K. Buchheim, J. L. Foote,
and D. Mais, pp. 69-73
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., Balam, D. D., Gieren, W. P.,
Storm, J., Forbes, D. W., Havlen, R. J., and Alessi, B. 2012, Alessi 95 and
the Short Period Cepheid SU Cassiopeiae, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 422, 2501-2509
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Gieren, W., Balam, D., and Lane, D. 2012,
Discovery of the Host Cluster for the Fundamental Cepheid Calibrator Zeta
Geminorum, Astrophysical Journal Letters,748, L9, 1-5
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Gieren, W. 2012, A Cluster of
Class I/f/II YSOs Discovered Near the Cepheid SU Cas, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 1040-1042
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Gieren, W. 2012, New Evidence
Supporting Cluster Membership for the Keystone Calibrator Delta Cephei,
Astrophysical Journal, 747, 145, 1-5
Turner, D. G. 2012, The Color-Magnitude Diagram of NGC 2264,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 174-181
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Moni Bidin, C., Geisler, D., Borissova, J.,
Minniti, D., Bonatto, C., Gieren, W., Carraro, G., Kurtev, R., Mauro, F., Chené, A.-N.,
Forbes, D. W., Lucas, P. W., Dékány, I., Saito, R. K., and Soto, M. 2012,
Strengthening the Open Cluster Distance Scale Via VVV Photometry,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 537, L4, 1-4
Turner, D. G. 2012, WR 38/38a and the Ratio of Total-to-Selective
Extinction in Carina, Astrophysics and Space Science, 338, 303-312
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Lane, D. J., and Krajci, T. 2011,
Deep Infrared ZAMS Fits to Benchmark Open Clusters Hosting Delta Scutis,
Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 39, 217-239
Turner, D. G., Rosvick, J. M., Balam, D. D., Henden, A. A., Majaess, D. J.,
and Lane, D. J. 2011, New Results for the Open Cluster Bica 6 and its
Associated Planetary Nebula Abell 8, Publications of the Astronomical Society
of the Pacific, 123, 1249-1261
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Gieren, W. 2011, Concerning the
Classical Cepheid VIc Wesenheit Function’s Strong Metallicity Dependence,
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 741, L36, 1-5
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Moni Bidin, C., Mauro, F., Geisler, D.,
Gieren, W., Chené, A.-N., Minniti, D., Lucas, P. W., Borissova, J.,
Kurtev, R., Dékány, I., and Saito, R. 2011, New Evidence
Supporting Membership for TW Nor in Lyngå 6 and the Centaurus Spiral Arm,
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 741, L27, 1-4
Turner, D. G., MacLellan, R. F., Henden, A. A., and Berdnikov, L. N.
2011, Space Reddenings for Fifteen Galactic Cepheids, Revista Mexicana
de Astronomía y Astrofisica, 47, 345-356
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2011, Securing
the Distance Scale via a Universal VIc Wesenheit Template and Deep Infrared
ZAMS, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 43, Meeting
218, 322.08 (abstract)
Turner, D. G., Rosvick, J. M., Balam, D. D., Henden, A. A., Majaess,
D. J., and Lane, D. J. 2011, Membership of the Planetary Nebula Abell 8
in the Open Cluster Bica 6 and Implications for the PN Distance Scale,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 43, Meeting 218,
126.08 (abstract)
Turner, D. G., Moncrieff, K. E., Short, C. I., Wing, R. F., and
Henden, A. A. 2011, AAVSO Estimates and the Nature of Type C
Semiregulars: Progenitors of Type II Supernovae, Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, 43, Meeting 218, 96.06 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2011, The Usefulness of JHKs Photometry for Open Cluster
Studies, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 47, 127-137
Turner, D. G. 2011, Visual Observations of Delta Cephei: Time to
Update the Finder Chart, Journal of the American Association of Variable
Star Observers, 39, 148 (abstract)
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Lane, D. J., Henden, A. A., and
Krajci, T. 2011, Anchoring the Universal Distance Scale Via a Wesenheit
Template, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers,
39, 122-140
Turner, D. G., Berdnikov, L. N., Percy, J. R., and Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif,
M. 2010, The Onset of Chaos in Pulsating Variable Stars, Odessa
Astronomical Publications, 23, 129-132
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., Percy, J. R., English, D. A.,
and Huziak, R. 2010, HDE 344787, The Polaris Analogue That is Even More
Interesting Than Polaris, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 23,
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., Rosvick, J. M., Henden, A. A.,
and Balam, D. D. 2010, The Galactic Calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity
Relation and its Implications for the Universal Distance Scale,Odessa
Astronomical Publications, 23, 119-124
Moncrieff, K. E., Turner, D. G., Short, C. I., and Bennett, P. D. 2010,
Spectral Type and Radial Velocity Variations in Three SRC Variables, Odessa
Astronomical Publications, 23, 86-89
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2010, A Search for Evolutionary
Period Variations of Cepheids using the Harvard Plate Stacks: II Carinae,
Astronomy Reports, 54, 392-399
Turner, D. G., and Majaess, D. J. 2010, The Galaxy as Mapped in the
Optical, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 41, 929 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2010, The PL Calibration for Milky Way Cepheids and
its Implications for the Distance Scale, Astrophysics and Space Science,
326, 219-231
Berdnikov, L. N., Kniazev, A. Yu., Kravtsov, V. V., Turner, D. G.,
Pastukhova, E. N., and Zhujko, S. V. 2010, Photometric Observations of
Type II Cepheids from the ASAS-3 Catalogue, In Variable Stars, the Galactic
Halo and Galaxy Formation, edited by C. Sterken, N. Samus, and L. Szabados,
p. 206
Berdnikov, L. N., Kniazev, A. Yu., Kravtsov, V. V., Turner, D. G., and
Pastukhova, E. N. 2010, Photometric Observations of Small-Amplitude
Cepheids from the ASAS-3 Catalogue, In Variable Stars, the Galactic Halo
and Galaxy Formation, edited by C. Sterken, N. Samus, and L. Szabados, p. 205
Berdnikov, L. N., Kniazev, A. Yu., Kravtsov, V. V., Turner, D. G., and
Pastukhova, E. N. 2010, Photometric Observations of Classical Cepheids
from the ASAS-3 Catalogue, In Variable Stars, the Galactic Halo and Galaxy
Formation, edited by C. Sterken, N. Samus, and L. Szabados, p. 204
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., and Balam, D. D. 2010,
The Origin of Cosmic Rays and the Stars of Berkeley 87, Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, 42, 566 (abstract)
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2009, Type II Cepheids
as Extragalactic Distance Candles, Acta Astronomica, 59, 403-418
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2009, Searching Beyond
the Obscuring Dust Between the Cygnus-Aquila Rifts for Cepheid Tracers of the
Galaxy’s Spiral Arms, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star
Observers, 37, 179-192
Turner, D. G., Percy, J. R., Colivas, T., Berdnikov, L. N., and Abdel-Sabour
Abdel-Latif, M. 2009, Stochastic Processes in Yellow and Red Pulsating Variables,
In Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation, AIP Conference Series,
1170, edited by J. A. Guzik and P. A. Bradley, pp. 167-169
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., Szabados, L., Kovtyukh, V. V.,
Usenko, I. A., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2009, Enhancing Our Knowledge of
Northern Cepheids through Photometric Monitoring, In Stellar Pulsation:
Challenges for Theory and Observation, AIP Conference Series, 1170, edited by
J. A. Guzik and P. A. Bradley, pp. 108-110
Turner, D. G. 2009, Polaris and its Kin, In Stellar Pulsation:
Challenges for Theory and Observation, AIP Conference Series, 1170, edited by
J. A. Guzik and P. A. Bradley, pp. 59-68
Turner, D. G., Kovtyukh, V. V., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., and Moncrieff, K. E.
2009, The Cepheid Impostor HD 18391 and its Anonymous Parent Cluster, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 330, 807-815
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2009, Characteristics
of the Galaxy According to Cepheids, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 398, 263-270
Turner, D. G., Forbes, D., Leonard, P. J. T., Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif, M.,
Majaess, D. J., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2009, Does Collinder 236 Host a Cepheid
Calibrator?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397,
Berdnikov, L. N., Henden, A. A., Turner, D. G., and Pastukhova, E. N.
2009, Search for Evolutionary Changes in Cepheid Periods Using the Harvard
Plate Collection. RS Puppis, Astronomy Letters, 35, 406-412
Berdnikov, L. N., Kniazev, A. Y., Kravtsov, V. V., Pastukhova,
E. N., and Turner, D. G. 2009, Photometric Observations of Cepheids
from the ASAS-3 Catalog: Photoelectric BVIc Observations of 46 Low-Amplitude
Cepheids, Astronomy Letters, 35, 311-320
Berdnikov, L. N., Pastukhova, E. N., Turner, D. G., and Majaess,
D. J. 2009, Search for Evolutionary Changes in Cepheid Periods Using
the Harvard Plate Collection. NSV 9159, Astronomy Letters, 35,
Majaess, D. J., Higgins, D., Molnar, L. A., Haegert, M. J., Lane,
D. J., Turner, D. G., and Nielsen, I. 2009, New Constraints on the
Asteroid 298 Baptistina, the Alleged Family Member of the K/T Impactor,
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 103, 7-10
Berdnikov, L. N., Kniazev, A. Y., Kravtsov, V. V., Pastukhova,
E. N., and Turner, D. G. 2009, Photometry of New Southern Cepheids from
the ASAS-3 Catalog. Photoelectric BVIc Observations of 33 Classical Cepheids,
Astronomy Letters, 35, 39-44
Turner, D. G., Majaess, D. J., Lane, D. J., Percy, J. R., English,
D. A., and Huziak, R. 2009, HDE 344787, A Cepheid Analogue To Polaris,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 41, 302 (abstract)
Percy, J. R., Favaro, E., Glasheen, J., Ho, B., Sato, H., and
Turner, D. G. 2008, Period Changes in Pulsating Red Supergiant Stars:
A Science and Education Project, Journal of the American Association of
Variable Star Observers, 36, 145-155
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., Lane, D. J., and Moncrieff, K. E.
2008, The Exciting Star of the Berkeley 59/Cepheus OB4 Complex and Other
Chance Variable Star Discoveries, Journal of the American Association of
Variable Star Observers, 36, 90-109
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2008,
Assessing Potential Cluster Cepheids from a New Distance and Reddening
Parameterization and 2MASS Photometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 390, 1539-1548
Kovtyukh, V. V., Soubiran, C., Luck, R. E., Turner, D. G., Belik,
S. I., Andrievsky, S. M., and Chekhonadskikh, F. A. 2008, Reddenings of
FGK Supergiants and Classical Cepheids from Spectroscopic Data, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 389, 1336-1344
Turner, D. G., Forbes, D., English, D., Leonard, P. J. T.,
Scrimger, J. N., Wehlau, A. W., Phelps, R. L., Berdnikov, L. N., and Pastukhova,
E. N. 2008, Galactic Clusters With Associated Cepheid Variables. VII.
Berkeley 58 and CG Cassiopeiae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 388, 444-456
Berdnikov, L. N., Kravtsov, V. V., Pastukhova, E. N., and Turner,
D. G. 2008, CCD Photometry of Two Neglected Cepheids in Carina, The
Observatory, 128, 84-88
Turner, D. G., Panko, E. A., Sergienko, O., Lane, D. J., and
Majaess, D. J. 2008, New Insights into the Nature of the Eclipsing System
V609 Aquilae, The Observatory, 128, 2-14
Majaess, D. J., Turner, D. G., and Lane, D. J. 2007, In
Search of Possible Associations between Planetary Nebulae and Open Clusters,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 119, 1349-1360
Berdnikov, L. N., Kravtsov, V. V., Pastukhova, E. N., and Turner,
D. G. 2007, New BVIc Observations of VY Car, HQ Car, and EW Sct,
Peremennye Zvezdy Prilozhenie, 7, No. 32
Turner, D. G., Bryukhanov, I. S., Balyuk, I. I., Gain, A. M.,
Grabovsky, R. A., Grigorenko, V. D., Klochko, I. V., Kosa-Kiss, A., Kosinsky, A. S., Kushmar, I. J., Mamedov, V. T., Narkevich, N. A., Pogosyants, A. J., Semenyuta,
A. S., Sergey, I. M., Schukin, V. V., Strigelsky, J. B., Tamello, V. G., Lane,
D. J., and Majaess, D. J. 2007, The Period Changes of the Cepheid RT
Aurigae, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 119,
Turner, D. G. 2007, Type C Semiregulars: Waiting for the
Eyepiece Views (electronic newsletter of the AAVSO), No. 318, January
Berdnikov, L. N., Pastukhova, E. N., Gorynya, N. A., Zharova, A.
V., and Turner, D. G. 2007, A Search for Evolutionary Changes in the
Periods of Cepheids using Archival Data from the Harvard Observatory Plate
Collection. III. GY Sagittae, Publications of the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific, 119, 82-89
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2006, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 2004, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 25, 327-340
Turner, D. G., Rohanizadegan, M., Berdnikov, L. N., and Pastukhova,
E. N. 2006, The Long Term Behavior of the Semiregular M Supergiant Variable
BC Cygni, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118,
Turner, D. G. 2006, The Nature of the Type C Semi-regular
Variables, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 18, 123-126
Turner, D. G. 2006, Is Polaris Leaving the Instability
Strip?, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 18, 115-118
Rohanizadegan, M., Turner, D. G., Pastukhova, E. N., and Berdnikov,
L. N. 2006, The Origin of Brightness Variations in BC Cygni, Odessa
Astronomical Publications, 18, 87-89
Berdnikov, L. N., Glushkova, E. V., and Turner, D. G. 2006,
Period Changes in Cepheids Belonging to Open Clusters and Associations,
Odessa Astronomical Publications, 18, 29-33
Berdnikov, L. N., Efremov, Y. N., Glushkova, E. V., and Turner,
D. G. 2006, Groupings of Population I Objects in the Galaxy, Odessa
Astronomical Publications, 18, 26-28
Berdnikov, L. N., Pastukhova, E. N., Gorynya, N. A., and Turner,
D. G. 2006, A Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Period of the
Classical Cepheid GY Sge, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions,
25, 221-222
Turner, D. G., Usenko, I. A., and Kovtyukh, V. V. 2006,
Is the Cepheid V1726 Cygni an Overtone Pulsator?, The Observatory,
126, 207-213
Turner, D. G., Usenko, I. A., Miroshnichenko, A. S., Klochkova,
V. G., Panchuk, V. E., and Yang, S. L. S. 2006, The Spectroscopic Orbit
and Pulsation Mode of the Cepheid Polaris, Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, 38, 118 (abstract)
Turner, D. G., Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif, M., and Berdnikov,
L. N. 2006, Rate of Period Change as a Diagnostic of Cepheid Properties,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118, 410-418
Turner, D. G., Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif, M., and Berdnikov,
L. N. 2006, Cepheid Period Changes as Tests of Stellar Evolution,
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 77, 152-153
Glushkova, E. V., Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2006,
Period Changes in Cluster and Association Cepheids, Memorie della
Società Astronomica Italiana, 77, 127-128
Turner, D. G., Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif, M., and Berdnikov,
L. N. 2005, Using Cepheid Period Changes to Test Stellar Evolutionary
Models, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 99,
144-145 (abstract)
Rohanizadegan, M., Turner, D. G., Pastukhova, E. N., and
Berdnikov, L. N. 2005, The Origin of Brightness Variations in BC Cygni,
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 99, 143 (abstract)
Turner, D. G., Forbes, D., van den Bergh, S., Younger, P. F.,
and Berdnikov, L. N. 2005, The Open Cluster Ruprecht 91 and its Cepheids,
Astronomical Journal, 130, 1194-1205
Turner, D. G., and Forbes, D. 2005, The Stars Surrounding
WR 55, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 117, 967-971
Glushkova, E. V., Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2005,
O-C Diagrams for Cepheids in Open Clusters and Associations, in The
Light-Time Effect in Astrophysics, ed. C. Sterken, ASP Conf. Series, 335,
Turner, D. G., Savoy, J., Derrah, J., Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif,
M., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2005, The Period Changes of Polaris,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 117, 207-220
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 2003-2004, Astronomical and
Astrophysical Transactions, 23, 599-612
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, Photoelectric
Observations and Current Elements for the Two Mira Variables, DW Mus
and BI Sco, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 23,
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 2002-2003, Astronomical and
Astrophysical Transactions, 23, 395-440
Turner, D. G., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2004, On the Crossing
Mode of the Long-Period Cepheid SV Vulpeculae, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 423, 335-340
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, Photometry of
Southern Cepheids in 2002, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 23, 253-341
Turner, D. G. 2004, New Insights Into Polaris the
Cepheid, Physics in Canada, 60, No. 3, 128 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2004, Overlooked Properties of the Cepheid
Polaris, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36,
744 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2004, Properties of Galactic Dust Established
from Photometric Studies of Selected Star Fields, in Astrophysics of
Dust, ed. A. N. Witt, G. C. Clayton, and B. T. Draine, ASP Conference
Series, 309, poster P1.02 (abstract available through Astronomical
Data Service)
Berdnikov, L. N., Samus, N. N., Antipin, S. V., Ezhkova, O. V.,
Pastukhova, E. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, A Search for Evolutionary
Changes in the Periods of Cepheids using Archival Data from the Harvard
Observatory Plate Collection. II. V1496 Aquilae, Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, 536-542
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2004, A Search for
Evolutionary Changes in the Periods of Cepheids using Archival Data from
the Harvard Observatory Plate Collection. I. VY, WZ, and GH Carinae,
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 23, 123-135
Shorlin, S. L., Turner, D. G., and Pedreros, M. H. 2004,
A Newly Discovered Open Cluster Surrounding the Wolf-Rayet Stars WR 38
and WR 38a, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
116, 170-177
Turner, D. G. 2003, The Power of Archival Astronomy,
Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 31,
Turner, D. G., Berdnikov, L. N., and Abdel-Sabour, M. A. 2003,
WZ Carinae: A Possible Addition to the Astrophysical Zoo?, Journal
of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 97, 216 (abstract)
Turner, D. G., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2003, The Nature of the
Cepheid T Antliae, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 407, 325-334
Turner, D. G. 2003, Remarkable Characteristics of the
Companions to Interesting Stars, in The Garrison Festschrift, ed.
R. O. Gray, C. J. Corbally, and A. G. D. Philip (L. Davis Press:
Schenectady), pp. 101-108
Turner, D. G., and Burke, J. F. 2002, The Distance Scale for
Classical Cepheid Variables, Astronomical Journal, 124, 2931-2942
Miskolczi, B., and Turner, D. 2002, General Index to the Journal
1967-1996, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, printed by Saint
Mary's University Press
Turner, D. G., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2002, T Antliae, a Newly
Discovered Cluster Cepheid Studied Using Archival Data, Bulletin of
the American Astronomical Society, 34, 650 (abstract)
Turner, D. G. 2001, A New Mapping of the Cepheid Instability
Strip, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 14, 166-169
Turner, D. G., and Berdnikov, L. N. 2001, The Stability of
Cepheid Pulsations, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 14, 170-173
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2001, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 2001, Astrophysical Journal
Supplements, 137, 209-226, plus electronic supplement
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2001, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 1999, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 19, 689-767
Turner, D. G., Welch, G., Graham, M., Fairweather, D., Horsford, A.,
Seymour, M., and Feibelman, W. 2001, Characteristics of the Variable
Star P Cygni Determined from Cluster Membership, Journal of the
American Association of Variable Star Observers, 29, 73-81
Turner, D. G., Billings, G. W., and Berdnikov, L. N.2001,
The Pulsation Mode of the Cluster Cepheid V1726 Cygni, Publications
of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 113, 715-722
Turner, D. G. 2000, Observing Bright Cepheids without Optical
Aid, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers,
28, 116-122
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2000, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 1998, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 18, 679-749
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 2000, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 1997. II, Astronomical and
Astrophysical Transactions, 18, 657-678
Berdnikov, L. N., Ignatova, V. V., and Turner, D. G. 1999,
Photoelectric BVIc Observations and New Elements for the
Cepheid V898 Centauri, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars,
No. 4724, pp. 1-3
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1999, Photoelectric
BVIc Observations and a New Classification for RV Normae,
IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4725, pp. 1-3
Turner, D. G., Horsford, A. J., and MacMillan, J. D. 1999, Monitoring
Cepheid Period Changes from Saint Mary's University, Journal of the American
Association of Variable Star Observers, 27, 5-18
Turner, D. G. 1999, Observing Delta Cephei as an Observing
Project for the Unaided Eye, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
of Canada, 93, 228-232
Berdnikov, L. N., Dambis, A. K., Efremov, Yu. N., Mel'nik, A. M.,
Rastorgouev, A. S., Vozyakova, O. V., and Turner, D. G. 1998, The
Distribution and Kinematics of Classical Cepheids in the Galaxy, in A
Half-Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations: A Tribute to Arthur
N. Cox, ed. P. A. Bradley and J. A. Guzik, ASP Conference Series,
135, pp. 373-374
Turner, D. G. 1998, Monitoring the Evolution of Cepheid
Variables, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star
Observers, 26, 101-111
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1998, Photoelectric
V(RI)c Observations and New Classification for V641
Centauri, IAU Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 4628, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1998, Photoelectric
BVIc Observations and New Elements for the Cepheid CU Orionis,
IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4618, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1998, Photoelectric Observations
of Southern Cepheids in 1997, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions,
16, 291-347
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1998, II Carinae, A 65-Day
Classical Cepheid in the Southern Milky Way, IAU Information Bulletins on
Variable Stars, No. 4626, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner D. G. 1998, Photoelectric
Observations of Southern Cepheids in 1996, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 16, 205-256
Turner, D. G. 1998, A Search for Stars Physically Associated
with the 16-Day Cepheid X Cygni. II. Clusters in the Field, Astronomical
Journal, 116, 274-283
Turner, D. G., Ibrahimov, M. A., Mandushev, G. I., Berdnikov, L. N.,
and Horsford, A. J. 1998, A Search for the Parent Cluster of the Cepheid
SU Cygni, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 92,
Turner, D. G., Pedreros, M. H., and Walker, A. R. 1998, Galactic
Clusters with Associated Cepheid Variables. VI. Anonymous van den Bergh
(C0634+031) and CV Monocerotis, Astronomical Journal, 115, 1958-1971
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1998, DZ Canis Majoris, A
New Double-Mode Cepheid, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No.
4567, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, Photoelectric Observations
for Two Misclassified Variables: AF Crucis and CG Sagittarii Are Not Cepheids,
IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4488, pp. 1-3
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, The First Photoelectric
Observations for the Double-Mode Cepheid BD-10o4669, IAU Information
Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4487, pp. 1-2
Guetter, H. H., and Turner, D. G. 1997, IC 1590, A Young Cluster
Embedded in the Nebulosity of NGC 281,
Astronomical Journal, 113, 2116-2129
Turner, D. G., Mandushev, G. I., and Welch, G. A. 1997, Galactic
Clusters with Associated Cepheid Variables. V. The Case of SU Cygni,
Astronomical Journal, 113, 2104-2115
Berdnikov, L. N., Ignatova, V. V., Pastukhova, E. N., and Turner,
D. G. 1997, A Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Periods of Low
Amplitude Cepheids, Astronomy Letters, 23, 177-193. Translated
from Pis'ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 23, 204-221, 1997
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, Photoelectric
VIc Observations and New Elements for V399 Carinae = HD 90772,
IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4456, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, Photoelectric BVIc
Observations, New Elements and a New Classification for BZ Tucanae,
IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4437, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, Photoelectric BVIc
Observations for the RS CVn Star GR Normae, IAU Information Bulletins on
Variable Stars, No. 4422, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1997, Photoelectric BVIc
Observations and a New Classification for V804 Arae, IAU Information
Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4421, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1996, Photoelectric BVIc
Observations and New Elements for the RR Lyrae Star SU Col, IAU Information
Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4389, pp. 1-4
Turner, D. G. 1996, The Progenitors of Classical Cepheid Variables,
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 90, 82-93
Turner, D. G. 1996, Extracting Information from Color-Magnitude Diagrams
for Young Open Clusters, in The Origins, Evolution, and Destinies of Binary
Stars in Clusters, ed. E. F. Milone and J.-C. Mermilliod, Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series, 90, 443-451
Turner, D. G. 1996, Are the Rapid Rotators of Roslund 3 (And Other Clusters)
Products of Close Binary Mergers?, in The Origins, Evolution, and Destinies
of Binary Stars in Clusters, ed. E. F. Milone and J.-C. Mermilliod,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 90, 382-383
Turner, D. G. 1996, Sunrises and Sunsets, Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, 90, 1-6 -- Images From Published
Turner, D. G. 1996, Pismis 20 -- A Case Study of a Young Cluster,
Astronomical Journal, 111, 828-833
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric Observations of Southern
Cepheids in 1995, Astronomy Letters, 21, 717-785. Translated from
Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 21, 803-871
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric UBV(RI)c
Observations of Southern-Sky Cepheids, Astronomy Letters, 21,
534-564. Translated from Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 21, 603-632
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric Observations and New
Elements of the Eclipsing Binary TY Pup, IAU Information Bulletins on
Variable Stars, No. 4214, pp. 1-3
Berdnikov, L. N., Voziakova, O. V., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric
Observations and New Classification of V651 Her, IAU Information Bulletins
on Variable Stars, No. 4213, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric BV(RI)c
Observations of the Peculiar Cepheid V473 Lyr, IAU Information Bulletins on
Variable Stars, No. 4212, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric BV(RI)c
Observations and New Classification of BX Cru, IAU Information Bulletins on
Variable Stars, No. 4211, pp. 1-2
Turner, D. G. 1995, Common Misconceptions About the Galactic Cluster
Calibration of the Cepheid PLC Relation, in Astrophysical Applications of Stellar
Pulsation, IAU Colloquium, No. 155, pp. 256-257
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric BV Observations
of V382 Car, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 4202, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric BV(RI)c
Observations of V1359 Aql, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No.
4201, pp. 1-2
Berdnikov, L. N., Voziakova, O. V., and Turner, D. G. 1995, Photoelectric
Observations of the T Tau Type Variable BZ Sgr, IAU Information Bulletins
on Variable Stars, No. 4200, pp. 1-2
Turner, D. G., Garrison, R. F., and Morris, S. C. 1994, CASCA '92 Hyades Cluster
Workshop, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 88,
Turner, D. G. 1994, The Interstellar Extinction Law, Revista Mexicana de
Astronomía y Astrofisica, 29, 163-174
Turner, D. G. 1994, Demonstrating Cluster Main-Sequence Fitting to Best
Advantage, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 88,
Turner, D. G., Mandushev, G. I., and Forbes, D. 1994, Galactic Clusters with
Associated Cepheid Variables. IV. C2128+488 (Anon. Platais) and V1726 Cygni,
Astronomical Journal, 107, 1796-1805
Mandushev, G. I., Heiser, A. M., and Turner, D. G. 1993, The Period and
Light Curve of V1028 Ori, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 3960,
pp. 1-4
Turner, D. G. 1993, The Calibration of Colours and Luminosities for Classical
Cepheid Variables, in New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating
Variable Stars, IAU Colloquium, No. 139, p. 90
Turner, D. G., van den Bergh, S., Younger, P. F., Danks, T. A., and Forbes, D.
1993, A Search for OB Associations Near Southern Long-Period Cepheids. IV.
XY Carinae, GT Carinae, WZ Sagittarii, and SW Velorum, Astrophysical
Journal Supplements, 85, 119-136
Turner, D. G. 1993, A Detailed Study of the Sparse Open Cluster Roslund 3: A
Case for Circumstellar Extinction, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplements, 97,
Turner, D. G. 1992, Galactic Clusters with Associated Cepheid Variables. III.
NGC 1647 and SZ Tauri, Astronomical Journal, 104, 1865-1875
Turner, D. G., Forbes, D., and Pedreros, M. 1992, Galactic Clusters with
Associated Cepheid Variables. II. NGC 129 and DL Cassiopeiae, Astronomical Journal,
104, 1132-1143
Turner, D. G. 1991, Observational Confirmation of Mass Segregation in the
Dynamically Well-Evolved Open Cluster Roslund 3, in The Formation and
Evolution of Star Clusters, ed. K. Janes, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series, 13, 452-454
Turner, D. G. 1990, Transformations Between Stromgren and UBV Colors for
Early-Type Stars, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 102,
Turner, D. G. 1989, Comments on the Cluster Main-Sequence Fitting Method. III.
Empirical UBV Reddening Lines for Early-Type Stars, Astronomical Journal, 98,
Turner, D. G., and Welch, G. A. 1989, Practical Techniques for Photographic Iris
Photometry of Mixed Quality Plates, Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, 101, 1038-1045
Turner, D. G. 1988, A New Pulsational Radius for Delta Cephei, Astronomical
Journal, 96, 1565-1569
Turner, D. G. 1988, The Case for U Carinae as a Long Period Cepheid Calibrator
in a Galactic OB Association, in The Extragalactic Distance Scale,
Proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary Symposium, ed. S. van den
Bergh and C. J. Pritchet, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference
Series, 4, 178-179
Turner, D. G., Leonard, P. J. T., and English, D. A. 1987, Cepheid Reddenings
from KHG Photometry: A Re-Examination, Astronomical Journal, 93,
Leonard, P. J. T., and Turner, D. G. 1986, Estimated Companion Characteristics
for Five Classical Cepheids, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada, 80, 240-256
Turner, D. G. 1986, The Large Globule Lynds 810 as a Possible Member of the
Vulpecula OB1 Complex, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 167, 157-160
Reed, B. C., Turner, D. G., and Scrimger, J. N. 1986, Partial Automation of a
Cuffey Iris Astrophotometer, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada, 80, 203-209
Turner, D. G., Leonard, P. J. T., and Madore, B. F. 1986, Photometry of the S
Vul Cluster, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 80,
Turner, D. G. 1986, Galactic Clusters with Associated Cepheid
Variables. I. NGC 6087 and S Normae, Astronomical Journal, 92, 111-118
Turner, D. G. 1986, Variable Stars in Lynds 810, IAU Information Bulletins
on Variable Stars, No. 2874, pp. 1-4
Turner, D. G., Lyons, R. W., and Bolton, C. T. 1986, A Spectroscopic Orbit for
the Unresolved Subsystem of the Hyades Binary HD 30869, The Observatory, 106,
Turner, D. G. 1985, A Newly-Discovered Open Cluster Surrounding the 68.5-Day
Cepheid S Vulpeculae, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 79,
Turner, D. G., and Pedreros, M. 1985, A Photometric Investigation of
Cluster Membership for the Cepheid BB Sagittarii, Astronomical Journal, 90,
Turner, D. G. 1985, The Young Open Cluster Stock 16: An Example of Star
Formation in an Elephant Trunk?, Astrophysical Journal, 292, 148-154
Turner, D. G. 1985, Are the Cepheids in Cluster Nuclei a Rare Breed?, in
Cepheids: Theory and Observations, ed. B. F. Madore, IAU Colloquium No. 82,
Cambridge University Press, pp. 209-211
Turner, D. G. 1985, Some Remarks Concerning the Accuracy of Photometric
Reddenings for Classical Cepheids, in Cepheids: Theory and Observations,
ed. B. F. Madore, IAU Colloquium No. 82, Cambridge University Press, pp.
Turner, D. G., Forbes, D. W., Lyons, R. W., and Havlen, R. J. 1985, Kinematic
Evidence for Fundamental Mode Pulsation in the Short-Period Classical Cepheid
SU Cassiopeiae, in Cepheids: Theory and Observations, ed. B. F. Madore, IAU
Colloquium No. 82, Cambridge University Press, pp. 95-97
van den Bergh, S., Younger, P. F., and Turner, D. G. 1985, A Search for OB
Associations Near Long-Period Cepheids. III. U Carinae, XZ Carinae, QY
Centauri, VX Crucis, and AA Normae, Astrophysical Journal Supplement
Series, 57, 743-750
Turner, D. G. 1985, The Reddening (and Distance?) of P Cygni,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 144, 241-244
Turner, D. G. 1984, Space Reddenings for Six Cepheid Variables, Journal of
the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 78, 229-240
Turner, D. G., and Evans, N. R. 1984, An Investigation of the Stellar
Association Containing the 1.95 Day Cepheid SU Cassiopeiae, Astrophysical
Journal, 283, 254-263
Turner, D. G. 1984, The Optical Companions of the Long-Period WZ Sagittarii:
Remains of an Open Cluster?, Publications of the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific, 96, 422-428
Turner, D. G., and Drilling, J. S. 1984, LSII+34o 26,
An Unusual B Supergiant Located Near the Outer Edge of the Galaxy, Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 96, 292-296
Turner, D. G., Moffat, A. F. J., Lamontagne, R., and Maitzen, H. M. 1983,
The WN4.5 Component of HD219460 in the Open Cluster Markarian 50, Astronomical
Journal, 88, 1199-1209
Turner, D. G. 1983, A Search for Stars Physically Associated with the 16-Day
Cepheid X Cygni. I. Luminous Stars in the Field, Astronomical Journal, 88,
Turner, D. G., and Lyons, R. W. 1983, On the Need for a New Spectroscopic
Standard for MK Spectral Type B0 III, Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada, 77, 87-91
Turner, D. G. 1983, The Open Cluster Tombaugh 1 and Its Neighbouring Cepheid XZ
Canis Majoris, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 77,
Turner, D. G., and Pedreros, M. 1983, A Preliminary Ephemeris for the Newly-
Discovered Eclipsing Binary HD 174403 (A Possible Companion to the Cepheid BB
Sgr?), IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 2263, pp.
Turner, D. G. 1982, On the Possibility of Cluster Membership for the Cepheid V
Centauri, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 94,
Turner, D. G., and Forbes, D. 1982, Berkeley 87, A Heavily-Obscured Young
Cluster Associated With the ON2 Star-Formation Complex and Containing the WO
Star Stephenson 3, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
94, 789-801
Turner, D. G. 1982, New UBV Photometry for the Open Cluster Stock 14 and its
Cepheid-Like Variable V810 Centauri (= HR 4511), Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 94, 655-662
Turner, D. G. 1982, Preliminary Results of a New Study of the Intrinsic
Properties of Wolf-Rayet Stars, in Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations, Physics,
Evolution, ed. C. W. H. De Loore and A. J. Willis, IAU Symposium No. 99,
D. Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 57-61
Turner, D. G. 1981, Comments on the Cluster Main-Sequence Fitting Method.
II. A Reexamination of the Data for NGC 6649 and the Cepheid V367 Scuti,
Astronomical Journal, 86, 231-236
Turner, D. G. 1981, Comments on the Cluster Main-Sequence Fitting Method.
I. The Distance of Ruprecht 44, Astronomical Journal, 86, 222-230
Turner, D. G. 1980, Harvard 20, A Cluster Containing a Yellow Supergiant,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 92, 840-844
Turner, D. G., Grieve, G. R., Herbst, W., and Harris, W. E. 1980,
The Young Open Cluster NGC 3293 and its Relation to Car OB1 and the Carina
Nebula Complex, Astronomical Journal, 85, 1193-1206
Turner, D. G. 1980, Association Membership for the 20 Day Cepheid RU Scuti,
Astrophysical Journal, 240, 137-144
Turner, D. G., and Moffat, A. F. J. 1980, Anomalous Extinction in the
Carina Nebula?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 192, 283-296
Turner, D. G. 1980, The Reddening of Beta Doradus, Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, 74, 64-69
Turner, D. G. 1980, The Case for Membership of the 67.5-Day Cepheid S Vulpeculae
in Vulpecula OB2, Astrophysical Journal, 235, 146-152
Turner, D. G., and Lyons, R. W. 1980, Recent Observations of HD 127617 --
Bidelman's High-Latitude Be Star, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
of Canada, 74, 12-16
Turner, D. G. 1979, A Reddening-Free Main Sequence for the Pleiades
Cluster, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 91, 642-647
Turner, D. G. 1979, Possible Association Membership for the Three Long
Period Cepheids RZ Velorum, SW Velorum, and KQ Scorpii, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 76, 350-353
Turner, D. G. 1979, A Study of the Extinction in the Young Open Cluster
NGC 6823, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 73, 74-89
Turner, D. G., and Fernie, J. D. 1978, Is the Cepheid Zeta Geminorum
a Visual Binary?, IAU Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 1509, pp.
Turner, D. G. 1978, CV Monocerotis -- The Forgotten Cluster
Cepheid, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 72, 248-262
Turner, D. G. 1978, Addendum: Absolute Magnitude of the Cepheid VY
Carinae, Astronomical Journal, 83, 1139
Turner, D. G. 1978, The Value of R in IC 2581, Astronomical
Journal, 83, 1081-1086
Turner, D. G., Lyons, R. W., and Bolton, C. T. 1978, HD 118246
-- A New Be Star at High Galactic Latitude, Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, 90, 285-287
Turner, D. G. 1977, Study of the NGC 2439 Association, Astronomical
Journal, 82, 805-809
Turner, D. G. 1977, A Note on the Reddening of Polaris B,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 89, 550-551
Turner, D. G. 1977, Cluster Membership of the Cepheid UY Persei,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 89, 277-279
Turner, D. G. 1977, Absolute Magnitude of the Cepheid VY Carinae,
Astronomical Journal, 82, 163-165
Turner, D. G. 1976, New Determinations of R in Open Clusters,
Astronomical Journal, 81, 1125-1133
Turner, D. G. 1976, The Value of R in Monoceros, Astrophysical
Journal, 210, 65-75
Herbst, W., and Turner, D. G. 1976, Lynds 810 -- An Interesting
Globule in Northern Vulpecula, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, 88, 308-311
Turner, D. G. 1976, HDE 255930 -- A Newly-Discovered Variable in Orion, IAU
Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 1166, p.1
Turner, D. G. 1976, The Period of the Cepheid CV Monocerotis, IAU
Information Bulletins on Variable Stars, No. 1142, p.1
Turner, D. G. 1976, Importance of Random Scatter to Variable-Extinction
Analyses, Astronomical Journal, 81, 97-103
Turner, D. G. 1973, Differential Reddening in the Open Cluster IC 2581,
Astronomical Journal, 78, 597-605