- Log onto a cyclotron computational server (veloce, oggi, etc.) - Add the following lines to your .bashrc or .cshrc or whatever logon file you use: export G4HOME=/home/gacgroup/gchristian/packages/geant/ export G4INSTALL=$G4HOME/geant4.10.01.p02-install export G4BUILD=$G4HOME/geant4.10.01.p02-build source $G4INSTALL/bin/geant4.sh - Then log out and back in or do 'source .bashrc' - Go to the directory where you want the simulation code to (note that the next steps create a subdirectory called 'tntsim'. - Issue these commands: git clone https://github.com/gchristian321/tntsim.git cd tntsim/ git fetch origin git checkout --track origin/menateR Now you should have a copy of the repository. - Compile the code: ./cmake.sh cd build make - The executable is called 'tntsim.exe'. Run it from the build directory. You can run it either with or without an input file. First copy some sample input files to the build directory: cp ../run1.mac . cp ../vis.mac . Then try running the code different ways: ./tntsim.exe # runs with some default settings ./tntsim.exe run1.mac # runs with the settings in this file ./tntsim.exe vis.mac # runs in visualization mode Running the code creates a ROOT file TntHitData.root that saves hit data in a TTree.