Chemistry, How Will I Survive

Chemistry, how will I survive? Well
Molar volume helps you decide,
Between solids, liquids and gases, see
Measure the compressibility,
Thermal expansion coefficient, we
Measure the elasticity,
Fluidity and rigidity,
Also the shear viscosity
Many phases to be sure,
Measure the vapor pressure,
Evaporation and condensation,
Melting, freezing, and sublimation,

A little bit of ion-ion here,
A little bit of dipole-dipole there,
A little bit of ion-dipole too,
Some ion-induced dipole, a clue
London dispersion, everywhere
Boiling points high, it's very queer,
Oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, so we say,
Hydrogen bonding saves the day

Evaporation and condensation,
Melting, freezing, and sublimation,
Deposition, do you get the gist,
triple point, all three exist,
Phase diagram, critical point passed,
Supercritical fluid, not a liquid or gas.


Chemistry, How Will I Survive? (click to download)